Mini Giveaway #2!

I’ve been very busy these past few days (or months na nga ata!) and haven’t even managed to update this blog! With work and married life, my hands are already full. And sometimes we have our own priorities whether we like it or not. I’m…

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Mini Giveaway!

Since International Women’s day and Mother’s day fall in the same week here in the UK, I decided to throw a little treat. This is only open for UK residents (but don’t worry, I’m thinking of doing a separate giveaway next time, so stay tuned!). …

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Pinay in the UK: Getting a Provisional Driving License

  Driving is not a right but a privilege. Anybody can learn how to drive but not everyone can become a driver. It takes time and patience. In the UK, I can say that it’s important to learn how to drive. The trains, buses, trams…

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My Everyday Makeup Essentials

Makeup is an everyday essential to most women, regardless of age. It boosts confidence and self-esteem. When I first came here, I brought my own kit with me. But the more I explore the different brands available in the UK, the more I discovered there…

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It’s New Year and Still Winter!

I’m officially living in the UK for a year now! I arrived in England last year January and now it’s just a few days before February! I still can’t believe so much things have happened to me in just one year. I can still clearly…

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