December Daily Post Day 4: Christmas Tree

In the Philippines, September is the start of Christmas season. People will start putting up Christmas decorations and play Christmas songs. When I moved in the UK, it was different. September is way too early to start Christmas, people normally put up decoration around December…

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December Daily Post Day 3: Points Cards

A few months after I arrived in the UK back in 2017, I’ve registered on different points cards. One of the requirements on my visa extension, at that time, was correspondence. I was not allowed to work which was a condition under the fiancé visa…

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December Daily Post Day 2: Book

Reading is one of my favourite hobbies. I used to read a lot of books when I was younger. However, sometimes life can be very busy and other entertainment options like Netflix, Amazon prime, Disney+, and others are more enticing. I joined the Goodreads challenge…

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December Daily Post Day 1: Advent Calendar

I’ve decided to write a daily blog post until December 25. I know I don’t regularly write on this blog but I try to post as much when I can. So this December, I thought to challenge myself to write and post a daily entry…

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Pinay in the UK: PHL Stocks After Ghost Month

Ghost month is over, and the Philippine stock market has recovered in the past few weeks. This blog post is a follow-up of ‘Pinay in the UK: Buying More Stocks During ghost Month‘ published back in August. Read more below if my strategy made me…

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