We have 11 days left before Christmas, and I’m nearly half of this challenge (yipppeee)! I hope I’m not boring you with my topics so far. Or if you are, comment below for topic ideas which will be greatly appreciated. Since it’s 11 days before Christmas, I thought to share you 11 movies I recommend in no particular order.
- That Thing Called Tadhana (2014) This is a Filipino romantic-comedy movie about travel and finding love in the most unexpected way. I’ve watched this movie 3 times and I’m the type of person who rarely watches the same movie twice!
- Leap Year (2010) Another romantic-comedy movie on this list. This is one of the reasons why I wanted to see Ireland.
- Notting Hill (1999). I love Julia Roberts! So this movie is one of my favourites, and yes I went to Notting Hill in London because of this!
- Pretty Woman (1990) Same reason as above plus Richard Gere! If you’ve not watched this, you’re missing a lot!
- P.S. I love You (2007) The movie that made me cry so much!
- The Notebook (2004) If you’re still in the mood to cry after watching P.S. I love You, then watch The Notebook!
- A Walk to Remember (2002) After crying so hard with The Notebook, this will slightly calm your emotions … or not.
- The Call (Korean, 2020) If you like thriller-mystery, this is a must watch! I love the story line, I won’t spoil you with any details about this. JUST WATCH IT NOW!
- Ghajini (2008) This is a thriller-mystery Indian movie. You will be well-entertained because of the singing and dancing breaks. This is also one of Aamir Kahn’s best movies!
- Under The Tuscan Sun (2003) One of the many reasons why I wanted to visit Italy! I suuppppper love this movie.
- The Beach (2000) Leonardo DiCaprio plus Danny Boyle. The end (lol!). This is my favourite movie of all time.
I still have more movies (especially horror and thriller genres) I wanted to share. But that will ruin my list so let’s keep it at 11.
Any good movie recommendations?