Goodreads organises a reading challenge every year for book lovers. I’ve been joining the Goodreads reading challenge since 2013. It motivates me to read more and challenge myself to be a better reader. Joining the challenge is free. You may join via the website or the app, and you can adjust your goal as you go along.
I managed to surpass my goal last year of 15 books and completed 16 (Tagalog and English combined). I think I’ve read more books than what I declared on Goodreads. Unfortunately, some of the Tagalog books were not available on Goodreads’ archive so didn’t bother to include them on the count.
This year I have a goal of 25 books which is 67% more from last year’s goal! As long as I’m consistent, I’m pretty sure I will be able to reach it. I have a lot of books on my queue so I should have enough to select from my shelf.
Speaking of books, I bought too many of them last year! The photo cover of this post were my books end of last year when I was organising them on the shelf. I got a few more which were not on the photo, so imagine how many I have now including those in my Kindle device. The sight of books on the shelf makes me happy.
I recently subscribed to Goldsboro books monthly subscription. Watch out for my next posts as I’m sure I will write about it. So far, I’m really pleased with their service and the books I received. If you know another book subscription that is good value, let me know and comment it below.
Any good book recommendations are very much welcome. Feel free to drop me a comment and I will have a look at it. xx