We were working on home improvements and I realised we have a lot of things in the house. Most of these things were no longer used, or stored somewhere and left to collect dust. We don’t want to throw or give them away but there is no point keeping them either. They have to go.
Most of us have this tendency to keep things, and keep on collecting them that we forget it’s been piling up in the house. Thus, let things go we no longer need or use. There were old bread bin, old paints, shoes no longer worn, clothes and many more that need to go. And it felt good. It’s like the house felt more welcoming.
Some of the useful things like clothes went into the charity bag to be donated. It’s a shame to throw them away as they are still in very good condition. I also realised I have so many perfumes in which most of them are still over half the bottle. I always remind myself before I buy things to assess first if I really need it and do I have a similar product in my possession. It’s hard but not impossible. Save your money instead.
The art of letting go is not easy but it definitely feels good.