Reading is one of my favourite hobbies. I used to read a lot of books when I was younger. However, sometimes life can be very busy and other entertainment options like Netflix, Amazon prime, Disney+, and others are more enticing.
I joined the Goodreads challenge for this year and I only finished 2 books so far out of the 10 I pledged to complete. It’s not the result I expected but I will be better next year! I finished Origin by Dan Brown and The Catch by T.M Logan.
If you like thriller/mystery, I absolutely recommend The Catch, it was good and I totally enjoyed it. Origin is another good book. But if you’ve read Dan Brown’s other books in the past, you know the story can get complex and winded.
I’m currently on my first Agatha Christie book ‘And Then There Were None’. The setting of the story is back in 1939, I know it’s old but I think it’s also interesting to know what it’s like to live during those times.

If you have books to recommend, post your comment below.